St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Year 2 

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Hello and welcome to our Year 2 class page. 

Homework will be sent to you via homework books. It will be sent home on Fridays, ready for handing in each Monday morning.

Spelling lists will also be sent home on a Friday, ready for our spelling tests on Monday morning.

Reading books are sent home on different days of the week. Please read with your child and sign their reading journal - return the book to school on their reading day which will be written inside their journal.

P.E. kits and pumps need to be in school for our lessons on Wednesday and Thursday.

In our unpredictable British weather an outdoor kit should also be in school (jogging bottoms and sweatshirt top).

Children should bring a water bottle to school every day.

Thank you for your continued support. Please let me know if you have any problems or concerns.

Mrs Lalor

Our Learning

Hear our children recite and perform the story called 'Coming Home' which we are working on in our English topic.

Please see our class Newsletters below:

Autumn One

Autumn Two

Spring One

Spring Two

Summer One

Year Two's Long Term Plan:

“There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”

Walt Disney

How many magical adventures will you have this year as you read our favorite books?


Click on the links below for information on the new curriculum:


New Curriculum 2014

Annual Curriculum Plan

Maths Curriculum

English Curriculum

Learn by Heart Facts