St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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Image result for star clipartImage result for star clipartImage result for star clipartImage result for star clipart Welcome to Year 5 Image result for star clipartImage result for star clipartImage result for star clipartImage result for star clipart

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Welcome to Year 5's class page!

We begin our final half term in Year 5 with celebrations of the Feast Day of St. Anthony and our school's 70th anniversary.  A busy start to a busy half term!  

We continue to use the learning from our residential trip to Ingleborough Hall to study the Geography of Clayton and Clapham, as well as using this knowledge to produce some report writing about Ingleborough. 

You can find more information about the learning that will take place this half term, on the topic board below.  

The children will begin to talk about their transition to Year 6 in the coming weeks and alongside this they will make a visit to SBSJ to begin to learn about what secondary school is like and what exciting things they can do there!


As always, please let me know if you have any questions or queries,

Mrs Bartlett


 English Homework

English homework and spellings will be given on a Monday and due back in to mark in class on Thursday.  Our class spelling test will take place on Fridays.  

Please check your child's reading journal for which day of the week their book should be returned to school.  It is important that your child reads at home daily for 10-15 minutes, to an adult whenever possible. Please comment in the reading journal after listening to your child.

Maths Homework

Maths homework will be given on a Tuesday by Mr Kendall, due in on Friday to be marked in class. 

We ask that you encourage your child to plan out their week to ensure they are able to complete their homework.  If they are struggling with a task that has been set, please encourage them to ask myself or Mr Kendall for help. 

Homework must be signed by an adult once it is completed to say that you have seen it and are happy with their effort.



PE lessons are on Mondays and Fridays.  Children will need both an indoor and outdoor kit, which should be in school at all times. 

Indoor kit: white t-shirt, blue shorts, socks and black pumps.

Outdoor kit: a plain blue tracksuit, white t-shirt, socks and trainers.


New Curriculum 2014

Maths Curriculum

English Curriculum

Learn by Heart Facts

 "I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.” 

J.K. Rowling

How many of these books will you read this year?




Please find below links to website and further learning that may also be used whilst learning at home.


BBC Bitesize Times Tables Rockstars Purple Mash
Spelling Frame
RE Quest GPS Dice Game Pobble 365


Click here to access our new Year 5 Class Writing Blog

Click below to access Year 5's blog page