St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Little Ants Nursery! 

We look forward to welcoming you into our Nursery. 

At Little Ants we strive to achieve the very best for all of our children.

We encourage our children to foster a love of learning by providing high quality provision and experiences. 

We encourage our children to become curious, independent, creative learners. 


Please find below a list of expectations which will hopefully help you at home to encourage your child to be ‘Nursery ready.’

Your child;

  • Can put on/take off a simple pair of shoes (with Velcro)
  • Can put their coat on (with some assistance)
  • Can go to the toilet independently, wipe themselves and wash their hands
  • Can feed themselves with a spoon/knife/fork
  • Can follow simple instructions, i.e put your coat on

A day in Nursery

The video below shows some of the activities that we do in the Nursery setting.