St Anthony's Catholic Primary School

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Year 4

Hello and welcome to Year 4's class page.

I We will all be working hard to ensure we produce great work and make fantastic progress this school year. We have lots of hard work still to do, but we also have lots of fun activities planned in along the way.

 We are going to be doing lots of work based around North America this half term.

PE - Our PE lessons are on Tuesday and Thursday. Our PE lessons are a mixture of indoor and outdoor PE this half term, so it is important we have both kits, fully labelled, in school at all times. 

Indoor PE kit - shorts, t-shirt and pumps.

Outdoor PE kit - navy tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt, navy tracksuit top/hoody and trainers. 

Homework -
English homework will be sent home on a Tuesday and will be due back in on a Friday.
Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and will be due back in on a Tuesday.
Spellings will go home on a Wednesday and will need to be back in school by the following Wednesday, so that we can do the spelling test that day.

Reading Books - Reading books are sent out on different days and should be returned signed every week. 


Thank you. 


Mr. Malt.


Please find our class newsletter for this half term below:

Summer 1 Newsletter

Please find Year 4's annual plan for 2023-24 below: 

Year 4 Annual plan



“Reading is the gateway for children that makes all other learning possible.”

Barack Obama

How many of these books will you enjoy this year?

Please find below links to website and further learning that may also be used whilst learning at home.

BBC Bitesize Times Tables Rockstars Purple Mash
Spelling Frame
Rivers information - Bitesize RE Quest GPS Dice Game Pobble 365